Student drop off/pick up procedures
Junior -Senior High
Student Drivers and Parent -Drop Off Procedures
Morning Drop Off
ALL students are dropped off at the back entrance. Main entrance is for busses and teachers and staff only!!
All student drivers and parents should enter the entrance closest to the top of the lot (nearest Morris’s Tavern). Students should proceed to their assigned parking spots and back into their spots.
Parent drivers should remain on the road, pass the bleachers, to the Auditorium entrance where you will drop off your child.
Parent Drop – Off will begin at 7:15 AM. A teacher will be available at the Auditorium for early entrance. Students will report to the cafeteria until the 7:25 bell. Remember – we have FREE Grab and Go Breakfast!
Back doors lock at 7:37 AM so students can be in homeroom by 7:40 AM. Any arrivals after the auditorium door is locked must enter the Main Entrance.
End of the day dismissal:
Parents should park in spots 1-16 in the student parking lot at the close of the day if you are picking up your child. No pick up at the main entrance due to van dismissal.
Dismissal at the top of the student parking lot (closest to Morris’s Tavern) is to all turn right. Please note: Once buses start moving, cars are to remain in the parking lot until all buses have left the premises.
Dismissal at the bottom of the student parent lot (Closest to the school) should all turn left.